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2017. 6. 30. 22:53

영어일기 - 영어로 업무메일을 쓰다 영어2017. 6. 30. 22:53

Today I wrote English business mail for the first time.

I was a bit nervous because it can be rude if I made mistakes.

However I could write well thanks to one of my chatting friends who I met here.

And I learned new expression 'go through'.

 * go through : 

   1) 읽다 - I'm going through the news.

   2) 겪다 - I just want to let people know what I went through.

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.04.16
영어문장정리  (0) 2017.04.03
영어일기-영화 '위대한 개츠비'  (0) 2017.03.20
영어일기-영어 스터디에서의 대화  (0) 2017.03.16
영어일기-정보 공유에 의한 문명 발전  (0) 2017.03.14
Posted by SK
2017. 4. 16. 21:49

영어문장 정리 영어2017. 4. 16. 21:49

1. The movie has no tension.

2. rate as perfect 10

3. I'm hung over / I have hang over 숙취에 시달리다

4. round of applause 박수 쳐주자

5. I got a 30% discount on ~ / I bought it 30% off

6. I went on a trip to ~

7. It took a 15 minutes to see the exhibition

8. The concert was at ~ / The concert held in ~ 

9. why do you have long face? / don't make a long face

10. I have butterflies in my stomach 설레다

11. I'm in a pickle / sticky situation

12. What have you eaten so far today?

13. She gulped down the beer / gobble down the food

14. binge watching

15. a piece of cake / easy-peasy

16. butter someone up 아첨하다

17. It is my bred and butter 생계수단

18. spice things up

19. go bananas / go nuts

20. not my cup of tea / not my taste / not my type

21. It has grown on me over time 점점 익숙해지다(좋아지다)

22. What's the texture like? 질감(식감)이 어때?

Posted by SK
2017. 4. 3. 10:29

영어문장정리 영어2017. 4. 3. 10:29

1. I hope you don't mind that I'm interrupting your dinner.

2. If you're getting better, then they must be worse.

3. Please read them in order.

4. Me and my sister look alike.

5. How many people do you have in your family?

6. He has his father's face.

7. He is a real family man. (devoted to, committed to)

8. I visit my parents every two month.

9. He is like family.

10. Black sheep of the family.

11. A close relative / A distant relative.

12. It runs in my family / It runs in the blood.

13. I am an only child / I grew up in a big family.

14. I would like to introduce him to you.

15. Since when did you know each other? / How long have you been friends with him?

17. How did you first meet? / When did you first meet? / Where did you first meet?

18. He is my childhood friend.

19. We were friend since middle school.

20. We're no longer together.(이별했다)

Posted by SK
2017. 3. 20. 21:06

영어일기-영화 '위대한 개츠비' 영어2017. 3. 20. 21:06

A few years ago, I found my ideal movie 'The Great Gatsby'. 

The story is about a tragic life of a man who was looking for his true love. 

I don't really like romance movies that much, but it was different from any other romance movies.

Everything in this movie like costumes, musics and the storyline was better than any other movies that I've ever seen.

I want to rate this movie 10 out of 10.

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.04.16
영어문장정리  (0) 2017.04.03
영어일기-영어 스터디에서의 대화  (0) 2017.03.16
영어일기-정보 공유에 의한 문명 발전  (0) 2017.03.14
영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.02.16
Posted by SK
2017. 3. 16. 21:53

영어일기-영어 스터디에서의 대화 영어2017. 3. 16. 21:53

I have started to participate in a study group for learning English.

And below is the reply I answered to the question that someone asked me.

"As you know, most salary man always work and work, and stuff like that.

So I've not read any books this week.

Ah no no.

I read one.

It's about algorithm and data-structure.

I've been studying algorithm recently, and I became interested in that.

So I enjoyed that book."

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.04.16
영어문장정리  (0) 2017.04.03
영어일기-영화 '위대한 개츠비'  (0) 2017.03.20
영어일기-정보 공유에 의한 문명 발전  (0) 2017.03.14
영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.02.16
Posted by SK
2017. 3. 14. 20:58

영어일기-정보 공유에 의한 문명 발전 영어2017. 3. 14. 20:58

Written words or carved letters had the key role to the evolution of human civilization. 

People could share their ideas and pass accumulated knowledge to their descendants.

It is now enforced more often as technology has been developed.

We can easily access information and share it with each other and even create or update information anywhere.

Personally, I think this will make an impactful leap for our future, so much that we can't imagine it.

This phase will progress faster as time goes on.




having a powerful effect or making a strong impression

so much

1. In that degree; to that extent. Used with the comparative form of adjectives: If she wins the award, so much thebetter for the team.
2. In such a degree; to such an extent: The ideas of the candidates are so much alike that he could see no differencebetween them.
1. So great in quantity, degree, or extent: There's been so much rain the crops are rotting in the fields.
2. Equivalent or equal in quantity, degree, or extent: The report sounded like so much baloney.
1. An unspecified amount or degree: charged so much a yard.
2. Everything that can be said or done. Used to summarize or dismiss something: So much for the real story behindthis sensational trial.

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.04.16
영어문장정리  (0) 2017.04.03
영어일기-영화 '위대한 개츠비'  (0) 2017.03.20
영어일기-영어 스터디에서의 대화  (0) 2017.03.16
영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.02.16
Posted by SK
2017. 2. 16. 21:54

영어문장 정리 영어2017. 2. 16. 21:54

영어공부를 위해서 <Get Off Your "But"> (Sean Stephenson 저) 라는 원서를 읽고 있다. 가끔 괜찮은 문장들이 있어 따로 정리해 둔다.

1. Most parents pray that their baby will come out with all ten toes and ten fingers.

2. They told my parents to prepare for the worst.

3. Doctors had predicted he would die soon after birth.

4. X-rays showed that it would be quicker to count the number of bones that weren’t broken than those that were.

5. Their greatest gift to me was refusing to lose faith in my survival.

6. They never thought about me in a negative way.

7. Surprisingly, the physical pain of my condition has not been as torturous as the emotional pain.

8. The remaining quarter of everyday I would lie on the floor of my house to rest my back muscles.

9. A sudden wave of sadness filled up my lungs.

10. For a male, there is no greater feeling than knowing that a girl you like likes you.

11. I'll never forget the day my class spent five hours with President Clinton in White House.

12. I was furious, and my mom could see that in my eyes.

13. Standing was also out of the question.

14. I knew what would happen next.

15. Politics took a front-row seat in my life for the next five years.

16. What if this guy next to me tries to grab my arm and shake it too hard.

17. Does any of this sound familiar?

18 As soon as I opened up my private practice, people started coming to see me from far and wide to work on their issues.

19. Many adults like to look at their childhood as if it were an experience that happened long time ago, when they were silly and naive.

20. He gave me his thousand-watt smile.

21. There are many things you won’t be able to do in your life.

22. If your goal is to change the world, you could easily do that as a professional speaker.

23. I’ve been told that I’m different from any other therapist.

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어문장 정리  (0) 2017.04.16
영어문장정리  (0) 2017.04.03
영어일기-영화 '위대한 개츠비'  (0) 2017.03.20
영어일기-영어 스터디에서의 대화  (0) 2017.03.16
영어일기-정보 공유에 의한 문명 발전  (0) 2017.03.14
Posted by SK